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    Microsoft Azure


Last Update: 2024-05-22


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Subscribe on Azure Marketplace
Code samples
API endpoint: Screenshot

Subscribe at Azure Marketplace

Visit our listings page on the Azure Marketplace and click on 'Get It Now'.

In the Azure portal, choose the Pay-As-You-Go plan and click on 'Subscribe'.

Select a resource group, give the subscription an internal name, and click on 'Review + subscribe'.

Click on 'Subscribe' to finalize your subscription.

Begin creating your account on our platform by clicking on 'Configure account now'.

You will be directed to the registration page. Here, fill in your account details in the provided fields. After entering all necessary information, click on 'Subscribe' to proceed.

Upon successful registration, your unique API key will be displayed. It is crucial to store this key in a secure location for future use.

Code samples

The following documentation page outlines how to use the API endpoint to capture a full page screenshot of a webpage at Replace <YourApiKey> with the actual API Key you received during the sign-up process:

var client = new HttpClient();
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "");
request.Headers.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", "<YourApiKey>");
var content = new StringContent("{\n    \"url\": \"\",\n    \"wait\": 1,\n    \"full_page\": true\n}", null, "application/json");
request.Content = content;
var response = await client.SendAsync(request);
Console.WriteLine(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
API endpoint: /screenshot

URL endpoint:

Method: POST

"header": {
  "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key": STRING,
  "Content-Type": "application/json"

"body": {
  "url": STRING,
  "wait": NUMBER,
  "full_page": BOOLEAN,
  "browser_size": STRING,
  "execute_js": STRING,
  "screenshot_element": STRING,
  "screenshot_crop_box": STRING,
  "return_as_file": BOOLEAN


"url": The URL of the webpage for which you want to capture a screenshot. Include the protocol (http, https).


"wait": Specify the number of seconds to wait before capturing the screenshot. This can be useful for waiting for lazy-loading elements. The value must be between 1 and 10 seconds. The default is 0.

 "full_page": Set to true if you want to capture a screenshot of the entire page instead of just the viewport. The default is false.

"browser_size": Define the browser size for the screenshot. The default is "1920x1080".

"execute_js": Provide JavaScript code to execute before capturing the screenshot. The default is an empty string.

"screenshot_element": Specify the website element for which the screenshot should be taken, instead of capturing the entire browser viewport.

"screenshot_crop_box": Define a box to crop the taken screenshot by providing X and Y coordinates along with the width and height of the box. The format should be "X, Y, width, height" (e.g., "100,200,500,400").

"return_as_file": Set to true to receive the screenshot as a base64-encoded string instead of a URL to the screenshot. The default value is false.


"body": {
  "screenshot_url": STRING,
    "url": STRING,
    "wait": NUMBER,
    "full_page": BOOLEAN,
    "browser_size": STRING,
    "execute_js": STRING,
    "screenshot_element": STRING,
    "screenshot_crop_box": STRING,
    "return_as_file": BOOLEAN

"screenshot_url": The API response will provide a link to the captured screenshot. The screenshot will be stored for one year, allowing you to access and utilize it as needed during that time.


"message": "Invalid Input: The request contains incorrectly formatted parameters"

This error message means that the body parameters you have passed are malformed. Please follow the instructions given in the endpoint descriptions. Common issues include forgetting to add a comma (',') after every parameter line or missing a parenthesis somewhere.